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Individual Help

           When asking a friend is Just Not Enough

Individuals can learn to use shamanic journeywork as a therapeutic tool to enhance their life. Call and find out how I can help you  build  skills,  troubleshoot, and  change  your success and enjoyment of interacting with loving spirits in non-ordinary reality.

Complimentary 20 minute consult – Eastern Standard Time. Please leave a message and time to return your call if I am not available. 509-326-5350

Spirit Release - Clearing the Way . . . 

Spirit Release and Soul Retrieval - Blog

Spirit Release and Soul Retrieval - Blog

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Clinician Mentoring

This is for advanced shamanic practitioners or mental health counselors or practitioners who are allowed to use guided imagery within their credentials and scope of practice.

Pam has 13 years’ experience in a clinical setting and has mentored clinicians using shamanic methods in their practices in Kentucky, Florida, Idaho, California and Washington State.

Help your clients get to the next level in their personal growth and wellness by learning how to:

  • Use guided imagery as “walking journeys” to accomplish meeting spiritual guides, retrieving and working with power animals, guardian Angels, or Master Teachers,

  •  Building spiritual protection for empaths

  • Release energetic spiritual /interferences or intrusions

  • Retrieve soul parts 

  • Build a dialog using spiritual imagery in simple explanations.

  • Discovery how to easily tap into the clients’ subconscious mind to enhance the work when clients are stuck moving forward.


Complimentary 30 minute consult - Eastern Standard Time – to discuss your needs. Please leave a message and time to return your call if I am not available. 509-326-5350


  • I started working with Pam when I was reeling from a recent trauma, and her services have been truly life saving for me. Through individual instruction, she introduced me to soul retrieval, EFT tapping, working with my power animal, and shamanic journeying. Her holistic approach allowed me to access the root causes of my pain and heal in profound ways. With Pam's help, I'm now learning to journey on my own, and I look forward to continuing my personal growth. 
    Peter Dunau


  • Before Pam invited me to join her Drumming - Journey Group, I had previously had a few extremely uncomfortable experiences journeying with another leader.   Under Pam’s masterful guidance and steady drumming, I found her journey group to be inspiring and filled with new awareness.  Pam introduced me to my personal power animal and taught me how to safely enter the journey through the lower world.  Each journey was carefully designed to help us trust our experiences in Non-Ordinary Reality (NOR).  In the beginning I was very insecure about my journeys because I did not visualize easily. My journey experience was much more of a physical sensation and a sense of knowing.  Pam helped me relax and trust exactly what I was experiencing and over time my ability to see in NOR has continued to expand and surprise me.  Whether you are a master journeyer or a novice like I was, Pam’s Drumming - Journey group is a blessed experience with the world of Spirit.
    Tonilee H.


  • I have taken several classes in both Hypnotherapy and Cross-cultural Shamanism from Pam, and deeply admire the dedication and passion she brings to her classes. I also appreciate her mentorship abilities as well as the extra time and attention she gives to her students and professional colleagues.   It is a great benefit for professionals to participate in both on-line and in-person classes that offer continuing education credits and acquired practical skills in these complex fields.  Pam's website blog also offers great tips for practitioners, excellent practical healing journeys, and other great resources for personal study.  Her in-depth private sessions have assisted me in my personal healing process many times.  Pam is a gifted Practitioner, Instructor, Mentor, Author and Counselor. 
    Sharon Fletcher, RN, CCHT, HTCP

  • A shamanic healer like Pam is an extraordinary find.  I have studied various aspects of shamanic healing with her and found that she is an exceptional, caring teacher who offers insightful guidance as she encourages participation and hands-on practice of new techniques, such as learning to journey. She has taught me how to work with spiritual allies in order to restore balance and wholeness by finding and addressing the cause of problems, removal and clearing of negative energies, retrieving spiritual allies, removing blockages, and soul retrieval.  As a hypnotherapist, I am able to utilize these powerful methods to assist clients in moving forward with their personal healings and transformations.   Pam is remarkable for her integrity, her understanding of the human spirit, and her ability to tap into the wisdom of the soul.
     Diana Weaks CCHT, MA


  • I took a number of classes from Pam Albee as well as being a part of her monthly Shamanic Journey group for over 10 years. During that time, I found Pam to be an insightful, ethical, knowledgeable and an inspiring instructor. 
    Richard Dalke MS.
    Retired Mental Healthcare provider


  • It has been my great privilege and honor to learn and experience Shamanism with Pam.  Pam teaches through amazing story telling and providing the space and time for everyone to experience the work on a personal level and share their stories.  In each course, Pam shared her depth of knowledge and understanding with absolute integrity to spirit.  Pam’s teaching methods supported my emerging levels of awareness and helped reveal to me the world of Non Ordinary Reality (NOR) in ways that felt safe and were awe inspiring.  Courses I have taken from Pam include: Nourish Your Soul - Exploring Shamanism; Psychopomp – Assisting Souls to Cross Over; Healing the Earth; Plant Spirit Medicine (2 times); and Blind Shaman Therapy.  It is with a joyful heart and soul that I recommend learning with Pam. Courses: 2009-2020
    Tonilee H. 

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